“In A Game Of Minutes, Seconds Count”

$209 per participant

2024/25 Public Course Dates:

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Saturday, February 1, 2025

In an avalanche rescue situation you do not have the luxury of questioning your skills and it will be too late to learn them. Stress will be high and only training can give you the tools needed to quickly and efficiently save lives. This intensive one-day course is designed to do just that.

This course goes into much more depth than the rescue training we cover in a Rec-1 Course. First, we will spend some time discussing theory, then we will spend the day in the snow running increasingly complex scenarios designed to make your reactions second nature no matter what the situation or your background skill level is. Each student will run through a timed scenario, receive feedback from instructors, and receive a certification card at the end of the course. No matter your background, first time beacon user to seasoned SAR professional, you will receive top level training that will meet you where your skills are and push them.

Let us know if you would like to set this up as a private course for you and your group.

Kent Mountain Adventure Center is a member of the Silverton Avalanche School (SAS) COURSE PROVIDER Alliance, offering Avalanche Education,  Backcountry Instruction and Rescue Training. 

SAS Course Providers utilize an internationally codified curriculum and adhere to best practices, set forth by the International Commission for Alpine Rescue (ICAR), exceeding the learning outcomes and educational objectives as defined by the American Avalanche Association.

We do have beacon/shovel/probe setups students can use, but we highly recommend getting your own beforehand so you can practice with what you will use after the course. We don’t really ski on these days so no special skills are required, just be ready to spend a day outside in the winter at 10,000′!