Dear Friends,

38 years ago KMAC Guides (Formerly: Kent Mountain Adventure Center) was started with one simple mission: “To promote personal growth in young people through outdoor adventure.” I am proud to say today that we have passionately continued with this quest. Life is adventure. It is no coincidence that word is in our company name.

Now more than ever, I have become aware of the importance and need for our youth to “look inward” and develop their own sense of self and reflect on their place in this world.  Introspection is an Adventure and it demands that in the moment we need a skilled guide and teacher – a person who can gently allow us time to explore who we are. That is why from the beginning of KMAC Guides I have sought and trained the best possible people to be part of the KMAC Guides family of guides.

It is not necessarily what we do at KMAC Guides that is unusual but the approach we take with our students and our programming that set us apart. We meet our students on their terms, with an unconditional positive regard for who they are. We do not “push,” but rather “nudge” our students to go just outside their own unique personal comfort zones. We strive by role modeling and direct action to teach the importance of integrity in our daily living, hoping that our future leaders will be able to make decisions that come from their hearts as well as their minds.

The youth courses and programs that we have at KMAC Guides are designed to give young people the chance to find excitement and adventure in their lives.

I look forward to welcoming you into the KMAC Guides family, here under the sheltering arms of the Rocky Mountains that we call home.