We value our role as an integral partner with the National Park, the US Forest Service, the Bureau of Land Management. KMAC Gudies is committed to working with these federal agencies to educate and inform visitors and our clients about environmental stewardship and the wilderness act. As part of the KMAC Guides curriculum, we teach ways to protect our wilderness resource.
We strive to lower our carbon footprint in as many ways as we can. We transport our guests to venues in the National Park and Forest using fuel efficient vans whenever possible. We car pool to avoid the unnecessary impact of emissions and other energy consuming effects that autos have. Our recycling program collects materials used in the office, as well as waste and human waste from the field. KMAC Guides provides housing (camping) for our guides allowing us to walk to work and share our living space.
KMAC guides are trained in Leave No Trace and Interpretation. We teach and inform our guests about the Wilderness Act and share ways in which you can be involved in protecting and preserving our magnificent mountains.
In addition to reducing our impact on public lands, KMAC Guides believes that “service” to community is a responsibility for everyone. Where possible KMAC Guides structures service curriculum into it’s courses. Below are resource links to what we feel are very informative and important organizations that work hard to educate the public.

- Leave No Trace
- Rocky Mountain Conservancy
- The Wilderness Society
- Student Conservation Association
- The American Alpine Club
What you can do?
A good place to start is to request a KMAC Guides brochure that describes many things about Rocky Mountain National Park. Some of these include:
- The early history of Rocky Mountain National Park
- Climate and Weather
- Tree line and Tundra
- Flora & Fauna
- Conservation and Interpretation Resources
Visit Rocky Mountain National Park Web Site: